Our mining deposits are over 300,000 square metres wide and they are located in the core of our own marble basin of Apricena, where blocks of Fiorito, Biancone, Bronzetto and Serpeggiante are extracted.

Our highly qualified staff carry out selection and quality check of the extracted materials daily, verify their entirety, appearance and colour and then they classify them according to their features.

Processing of goods is primarily held in the quarry thanks to a system which is able to produce up to 50 cube metres of blocks every day.

It is a complex teamwork that involves over 20 machines per day, such as wheel loaders, excavators, trucks, chainsaw and drilling machines which work in synergy to fulfill all orders on time.

Yards can hold over 10, 000 cube metres of selected blocks according to their quality and type, ready to be tested and sold.